Virtual Field Trip
Field trips, pumpkin patch, pick your own, strawberries, pre-school, elementary school, special needs, home school, church groups and more. Visit farm animals and pick berries.
educational Virtual Field Trips
Smith’s Nursery in the fall
We have created a wonderful Virtual Field Trip here at Smith’s with the hope of sharing our farm with the local community! We have created curriculum packets aligned with learning standards, worksheets, Google Slides, and many other activities! On this virtual field trip, you will have a chance to scroll through the stations below to join us on a guided tour of our farm. Click on each link below, and we will walk you through 10 different stations, including:
Introduction and Farm History
Strawberry Field
Chicken Coop
Irrigation Pond
Farm Animals
Pumpkin Patch
Catfish Pond and Purple Martins
Stream and Native American Artifacts
Honeybees and Beehives
The Day The Crayons Quit
Red House Tree House Little Bitty Brown Mouse
Before We Eat
Fletcher and The Falling Leaves
Spookly and The Square Pumpkin
The total approximate watch time for the virtual field trip, including one Storytime video, is an hour and a half. You can access the accompanying curriculum packets here, as well as our collection of related worksheets, and activities for various grade levels here!
Call our office at 919-934-1719 or email us about our school strawberry or pie pumpkin delivery packages in the spring and/or fall!