Smith's Plant Database
Check out our plant database! Here you can find all of our locally grown nursery plants, along with some helpful suggestions and descriptions to help you find the right plant for the right spot!
Smith’s Plant Database
Looking for a specific plant? Here you can find lots of helpful info to help you choose the right plant for the right spot! You can browse our huge selection of plants by specific criteria.
We specialize in container-grown shrubs and ornamental grasses. We take pride in growing high-quality, well-maintained nursery crops, and currently have over 12 acres of plants in nursery production.
Seasonally, you can find trees, annuals, perennials, and house plants at our retail garden center. Seeing a plant in this database does not guarantee that it is stocked. Please call for availability.
Click on any image below to find an extensive list of specific plants in each category, or search for a specific plant below.