Smith's Plant Database

Check out our plant database! Here you can find all of our locally grown nursery plants, along with some helpful suggestions and descriptions to help you find the right plant for the right spot!

Smith’s Plant Database

Looking for a specific plant? Here you can find lots of helpful info to help you choose the right plant for the right spot! You can browse our huge selection of plants by specific criteria.

We specialize in container-grown shrubs and ornamental grasses. We take pride in growing high-quality, well-maintained nursery crops, and currently have over 12 acres of plants in nursery production.

Seasonally, you can find trees, annuals, perennials, and house plants at our retail garden center. Seeing a plant in this database does not guarantee that it is stocked. Please call for availability.

Click on any image below to find an extensive list of specific plants in each category, or search for a specific plant below.

Privacy hedges are typically formal and are dense, evergreen, and you cannot see through them. Screening plants are deciduous or evergreen, typically require zero watering, fertilizing, or upkeep, and are therefore more informal. Decidous screens provide privacy in summer and allow light through in the winter. Evergreen varieties provide year-round coverage.

Full sun plants need at least 6 hours or more of direct sunlight to grow and bloom.

Part sun is defined as four to six hours of direct sun per day. Not all those hours need to be accrued consecutively—it could mean a few hours of morning sun plus a few more in the afternoon.

Deciduous plants, including trees, shrubs and herbaceous perennials, are those that lose all of their leaves for part of the year.

Groundcover is any plant that grows over an area of the ground. This type of plant offers an easy solution for adding color to bare spots under large trees, sunny slopes, and other challenging areas. In addition, these plants act like living mulch, protecting soil from erosion and drought.

Pollinator plants are plants with flowers that attract bees, butterflies, moths, hummingbirds or other beneficial creatures that transfer pollen from flower to flower, or in some cases, within flowers.

Foundation plants are a group of plants used in landscape design to blend a building with its setting and obscure any undesirable features of the foundation. The plants are placed around the house, close to the walls, under the windows, and beside the doors.

Full shade plants enjoy a few hours of sun each day, less than 4 hours of direct light, preferably in the morning.

Part shade is defined as four to six hours of direct sun per day, but most of that should come in the morning hours when the sun’s rays are less intense. We say that plants which prefer part shade enjoy “cool sun”, meaning direct sun in the morning or evening and protection from the hot midday sun.

An evergreen is a tree or plant that doesn't shed its leaves in the winter, but stays green all year. Even in the middle of winter, when so many trees in cold climates have bare branches, evergreens brighten up the landscape with vibrant green needles or leaves. Common evergreen shrubs include arborvitae, boxwood, false cypress, holly, juniper, azalea, and rhododendron.

Accent plants are utilized to bring attention to a specific plant characteristic and in turn draw the eye to the area of the landscape they occupy. Accent plants offer stunning foliage color, interesting growth habit, unique flowers, or a combination of all three.

Prized for providing year-round interest, grasses are full and lush during the warm months, put on great displays of fall color, and are unmatched for winter texture. Once established, ornamental grass landscaping is low-maintenance, drought tolerant, and resistant to disease

Native plant species are species that have existed historically in a particular region, ecosystem, and habitat.